Children sports activities
Arts theatre
Community Development beekeeping
Outdoor activities fishing
Heritage Museums& Galleries
Families and parenting
Waterford Public Participation Network community development foodmarket
Community childcare
Older People and Active Retired
Emergency and Ambulance Services
Outdoor activities scouts
Community diversity muslim

Local Community Development Committe (LCDC)

What is the LCDC? The local community development committee was established “for the purposes of developing, coordinating and implementing a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development”.

Register your group now

Each LCDC will bring together people who work in:

  • Local authority (members and officials)
  • State agencies
  • Local development
  • Community development
  • Economic, cultural and environmental organisations
  • What does the LCDC do?

LCDCs will—

  • Co-ordinate, plan and oversee local and community development funding, whether spent by local authorities or on behalf of the State by other local development bodies.
  • Prepare the community elements of a 6-year Local Economic and Community Plan.
  • Bring a more joined-up approach to the implementation of local and community development programmes and interventions, pursuing an integrated approach to local community-based services across providers and delivery structures.
  • Drive meaningful citizen and community engagement in the scoping, planning, delivery and evaluation of local and community development programmes.
  • Pursue a more cost efficient administration of local and community development programmes and delivery structures, the matching of resources to priorities and better value-for-money in the management and delivery of programmes.
  • Focus on learning and feedback, enhancing the links between service delivery and policy development, and pursue opportunities for additional funding for the area, whether Exchequer or EU.


Member Name

Member Organisation

PPN College



Senan Cooke

Community & Voluntary

087 222 8374

Csilla Czelvikker

Waterford Hungarian Cultural Organisation

Community & Voluntary


Gabriel Foley


086 602 5836

Sinead Kilcawley


National Council for the Blind

Social Inclusion
