Help shape connections between John’s Park and Waterford City Centre.

Waterford City and County Council will hold a non-statutory public consultation at the Butler Community Centre on Tuesday 15th October 2024 from 2-8pm to gather information and opinions on this proposed scheme from the public.

The public is invited to help shape a project aimed at enhancing walking and cycling connections between John’s Park and Waterford City Centre.

According to Dylan White, Waterford City and County Council’s Active Travel Communications and Behavioural Change Officer, the proposed John’s Park to Waterford City Centre scheme seeks to create safer, high-quality pedestrian and cycling routes.

Active Travel refers to walking, wheeling, cycling or the use of self-powered, non-motorised scooters for daily trips. It focuses on promoting sustainable movement and encouraging a shift from private car use to Active Travel.

SYSTRA Ltd Consulting Engineers to provide design services for the proposed scheme, with funding being provided by the National Transport Authority.

Additional project details are published on the Council’s Active Travel pages.

If you are unable to attend the public consultation, you can contact the Active Travel Section by phone at 0818 10 20 20, mentioning that your call relates to the proposed John’s Park to Waterford City Centre Active Travel scheme. Alternatively, you can reach out via email at or by post to Waterford City and County Council, Active Travel Section, The Mall, Waterford City, X91 PK15.